Kraken the Code: Sustainable Sets

What are some ways you help crew members be more environmentally sustainable on set?

Danielle Cheifetz: The biggest thing is to try to make it as easy as possible for people to participate in the sustainability effort.


Sometimes it is as simple as not giving another option—i.e., if you don't have disposable plastic water bottles on set, people can't use them


Matt Barkin: The best thing you can do is to give them a reusable water bottle and ask them to bring it back to set every day. That said, there are going to be days when people forget and it is important to always have water on hand. But the best you can do is remind them to bring back the water bottle you gave them.


Debbie Brubaker: I'd say that about half of the sets I've been on have been very conscious about sustainability, but at the end of the day it's about the municipality we're in.


Some of them (unlike San Francisco) don't separate compost from recycling from trash. They only separate recycling and trash, and that can be really frustrating. We do our best to have different bins. It can also be confusing at the end of the day when we are having to pack out and have the recycling and trash picked up by a service provider.


Voices from the Cove: Alana "Lani" Trejo


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